Thoughtfully integrating virtual worlds with reality for an unsurpassed seamless individual experience at the highest standards of security and privacy.


At the intersection of advanced technologies and modalities, the DXP is a practical and sustainable application of Web3 technologies to enhance the connection and growth of businesses, persons and communities.

The Crowdstarter DXP™ unlocks Web3 technologies to provide a secure, decentralized, reliable, and future-ready environment to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in streamlining business processes and operations, power a dynamic immersive experience, and improve the way that the world works together.


The foundations are being laid. The power and opportunity of the decentralized future of community is wide open to the imagination. All industries will be impacted, for example:


Imagine the increase of operational efficiencies as processes are automated and seamlessly integrated.


Decentralized and empowered social interactions opens up infinite possibilities and returns the power to the individual to reclaim joy in community.


It’s time for a new era of educational accessibility. All individuals should have access to the best pedagogies and take control of their own potential.


By overlaying commerce, production, and consumption within a system of seamless reciprocity, creativity and enterprise are encouraged of all people to mutual social and financial benefit.


As we move forward toward fully implementing the DXP™, we have already laid the foundation of the platform through the development of 5 core projects. Some of which have been deployed. As Web3 infrastructure is nearing readiness, we are working to incorporate them all together for a dynamic interoperability.

An integrated system of physical and digital NFT technologies which maintains an item’s transactional history throughout its lifespan, from creation through to various ownerships and across any buying and selling activities. ProvenanceNFT’s authentication of products will enhance the value of exclusivity, provide new and efficient ways of involving and benefitting from celebrity connections, and functionally eliminate forgery and theft.
KADOO brings a business to life experientially. This is the augmented reality (AR/XR) interactive immersive interface between the buyer and seller. Built on seamless buffering technology and distributed computing, KADOO is the way in which individuals experience the power of a Web3 world. Want to explore Japan? Discover places virtually through the experiences of other social gatherers merged in an artificial recreation of live 3d space, so you can check it out on the plane ride to your destination.
Crowds powers the ‘connectivity’ in interconnectivity. It is the social community component of the DXP driving the virtual experience collected from shared perspectives. Through gamification, a user can grow their ‘powers’ by liking, sharing, and posting, thus earning ‘impact’ which can be used across their favorite sources of content - driving up engagement. This earns them real-world money they can deposit in their bank. Ultimately, promoting a product or service is targeted directly at an audience that already cares, rather than an ‘influencer’ trying to convince their followers why they should care.
Keep new information and data on the blockchain. When an individual wants to become a producer and distribute content themselves, they can secure the content on Web3 and maintain full control. No longer are content producers or independent creatives required to abdicate their rights to intellectual property to some other abstract entity in order to share/distribute their ideas. Your data is secure and encrypted for your access only. Secure all of your data from every platform into one location.
If Web3 has powerful implications for for-profit enterprises, the possibility to improve on the current condition of the non-profit cause-driven side of the economy is even greater. Pledge is the future of promoting worthwhile causes and managing donations. Pledge is an advanced program designed to expand causes and ideas with the power of internet’s future.


We are excited to have the honor and responsibility relaunch NO FEAR using Crowdstarter’s new Digital Experience Platform (DXP™). This will allow us to showcase the capabilities of Web3 with all of the strength and nuance of our versatile platform. For more information on what we are doing and how we are building a future with NO FEAR, contact us.